Residents Encounter Christ is a two-day, weekend retreat, based on the Paschal Mystery of Christ – the Death and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Mission Statement:

It is the purpose of Northeast Minnesota Residents Encountering Christ, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to provide an opportunity for the Incarcerated (i.e. jail, prison or juvenile facility) to personally encounter Jesus Christ within themselves and others by witnessing and experiencing the power of the Christian community, the Sacraments and the Paschal Mystery.

Vision Statement:

Having heard God’s call to serve others, it is the vision of the “ Northeast Minnesota Residents Encountering Christ” ministry to continue providing strong catholic-based weekends and followup programs within the correctional facilities.

Thus providing healing opportunities for the incarcerated as well as respecting all faiths and walks of life. Recognizing this as God’s Work, we strive to remain open to the direction of the Holy Spirit, as we the volunteers ourselves grow in faith and love, in our spiritual walk with Our Lord Jesus.

“I was in prison and you came to visit me.” Matthew 25:36